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Taliban official on deadly temple attack in Kabul
Deadly explosion hits Sikh temple in Kabul
AFGHANISTAN TEMPLE ATTACK: 2 killed, 7 injured after gunfire and explosionsat Sikh temple in Kabul
DEADLY Attack at Sikh Temple in Kabul
Deadly shooting attack at Kabul ceremony kills at least 32 people | ABC News
Deadly explosion shakes Sikh temple in Kabul Afghanistan.The attack on temple of a Sikh community
At least 1 killed in attack on Sikh temple in Kabul
Attack on Sikh temple in Afghanistan's capital of Kabul kills two
Afghanistan Conflict: Deadly Attack on Sikh's Temple In Kabul - Tariq Ismail Sagar [2020]
Islamic State VS Taliban: Deadly Suicide Attack Terrorises Kabul During Holy Month Of Ramadan
Video Inside Afghan Parliament as Taliban Bomb Explodes
Afghanistan: Two killed as blast hits Sikh temple in Kabul